
Seekers of Hope

It’s the whole world that comes with
the wise men to the crib,
Drawing close to the infant God,
That they might find in him meaning in life
and light for living.

We draw close, Lord,
with all those who have lost hope,
All those for whom faith is nothing more
than a long night to be got through,
All those who have lost the taste
For seeking and struggling.

We draw close, Lord,
With all those who are handicapped in body or mind,
With those who are paralysed in their suffering,
With those left to their loneliness,
Whom nobody ever comes to console.

We draw close, Lord,
With all those who’ve had their place taken,
With those living in poverty and hunger,
With those whose dignity has been trodden on,
With those who have forgotten the colours of peace.

We draw close with confidence
To you, child of the crib.
Look: we come seeking hope!

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