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Mass of All Nations

Posted by & filed under Church Notice, Home Page Notice.

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Sunday 3rd March 2019 – Annual Mass of All Nations at 12 noon

See Read More for amor detail on Mass for All Nations 2019

See Gallery Section for Photos

Advent Wreaths

Posted by & filed under Church Notice, Home Page Notice.

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See Parishioners making Advent Wreaths in our Pastoral Centre after Sunday Morning Mass on 25th November 2018 with Dolpres & Mary

See more photos in Gallery Section

Garda Band Concert

Posted by & filed under Home Page Notice, Notices.

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We would like to tank all who attended the Garda Band Concert on Tuesday 30th October and to other you missed a great nights entertainment!

See photos in Gallery.

All monies raised will assist with the huge costs incurred in renovating the Car Parks around the Church.

Parish Weekly Newsletter

Posted by & filed under Home Page Notice.

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The Parish Weekly Newsletter is taking a break for the Summer and we hope it will resume in September in a new format.

Check our website for details