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Children’s Weekly Prayer Group

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The Children’s Weekly Prayer Group will continue in St. Brigid’s Church Blanchardstown every Tuesday at 2.45pm.

All children from tots to teens are welcome with their guardians.

We will pray the Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament and then go into the Pastoral Centre for refreshments and play.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

For more information contact Marie – 087 7696909

Parish Family Day

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The Parish Family Day took place on Sunday 17th June 2018 with Mass at 12 Noon celebrated by Bishop Raymond Field.

Parish Finance

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Door to door canvassing for Parish-Planned Giving Offering is now in progress during August & September in Vermont Area


See “Read More” for details

Easter Vigil Ceremony

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The Pascal Candle was lit in St. Brigid’s Grotto outside the church before the Easter Vigil Ceremony

Click “Read More”  For Photos of the event