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Advent Carol service

Posted by & filed under Church Notice, Home Page Notice, Notices.

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Our Parish Carol service with readings was on Thursday 17th December at 7.30pm.

It was a lovely evening.

If you missed it see recording on our WebCam

Thank you to all who came along. Proceeds in aid of St. Francis Hospice.

Our Parish Website

Posted by & filed under Church Notice, Home Page Notice, Notices.

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Exciting Website news

We will have a new look and feel to our Parish website shortly.

Watch out for release date to be announced and let’s know what you think when we launch it!


Canon Walter Harris

Posted by & filed under Church Notice, Home Page Notice, Notices.

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There will be a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dermot Farrell to celebrate the Platinum Anniversary of Canon Walter Harris Ordination to the Priesthood at 2pm on Thursday 15th June