Posts Categorized: Home Page Notice

Advent Wreaths

Posted by & filed under Church Notice, Home Page Notice.

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See Parishioners making Advent Wreaths in our Pastoral Centre after Sunday Morning Mass on 25th November 2018 with Dolpres & Mary

See more photos in Gallery Section

Garda Band Concert

Posted by & filed under Home Page Notice, Notices.

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We would like to tank all who attended the Garda Band Concert on Tuesday 30th October and to other you missed a great nights entertainment!

See photos in Gallery.

All monies raised will assist with the huge costs incurred in renovating the Car Parks around the Church.

Parish Weekly Newsletter

Posted by & filed under Home Page Notice.

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The Parish Weekly Newsletter is taking a break for the Summer and we hope it will resume in September in a new format.

Check our website for details

Children’s Weekly Prayer Group

Posted by & filed under Home Page Notice.

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The Children’s Weekly Prayer Group will continue in St. Brigid’s Church Blanchardstown every Tuesday at 2.45pm.

All children from tots to teens are welcome with their guardians.

We will pray the Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament and then go into the Pastoral Centre for refreshments and play.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

For more information contact Marie – 087 7696909