Posts Categorized: Home Page Notice

Parish Newsletter

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Have you seen our Parish Newsletter with a brand new look.

You can now read the Online Version if you didn’t get your copy or tell family members who may be away from home to keep in touch.

Let’s know what you think of the new edition.

World Youth Day 2016

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World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope which is typically celebrated every three years in a different country. The most recent WYD was celebrated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from July 23rd to 28th, 2013 and the next World Youth Day will be held in Krakow, Poland in 2016.

Pastoral Library

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Did you know we have just we have opened a new Reference Library in our Pastoral Centre.

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Ministries of the Word and Eucharist

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We are delighted now to be able to publish Rotas for Ministers of the Word and Eucharist on our Website.

They can be found in the relevant Group areas  from Groups section on Home Page.

There will be an afternoon of Reflection arranged for Ministers of the Word in October.  Details will be announced later.  Please Check for details.

Pastoral Centre

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Have you visited our New Pastoral Centre.

Our new Pastoral Centre is now open and being used by many groups in the Parish. It also Comprises the Parish Office which is open Mondays to Fridays 10am to 1pm.  Telephone (01) 811 5412