Parishes Working Together

Blanchardstown – Corduff – Mulhuddart Throughout the Archdiocese of Dublin neighboring parishes have been asked to explore ways of cooperat­ing together which could lead to better communication and a better use of personnel and resources in providing the best possible service to our people. With this in mind, the parishes of Blanchardstown, Corduff, and Mulhuddart have begun a journey of exploration together.

So far a number of meetings have taken place: firstly with the clergy of the three parishes; secondly with members of Parish Teams; and the most recent with Parish Teams and three delegates from each of the three Parish Pasto­ral Councils. The latter grouping of Parish Team members and delegates from Parish Pastoral Councils will act as a working group to move the project forward.

Where do we begin? This question is often asked as we launch out into the unknown. In our conversations to date, a number of ideas have emerged. While parishes are being asked to cooperate together the independence of each parish is to be respected and cherished.

The grouping of parishes will hopefully lead to a better use of resources when it comes to training people for ministry, organising study courses, and exchanging expertise which could be vital to the development of a community that may be struggling.

Many people in our parishes are disaffected and no longer feel able to be part of the worshipping community. How can we reach out to them or create an environment where their voices may be heard in a respectful and meaningful atmosphere?

Those involved in the working group to date are very aware that communication is a two-way street. That is why they will be anxious to engage with people who wish to dialogue with them so that the project will develop from the bottom up rather than appear as something that is imposed from the top downwards.

Events such as the Eucharist Congress of 2012 could present us with a glorious opportunity to celebrate and dialogue together over the three parishes.

Contact with the working group can be made through your Parish Pastoral Council.

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